The New Book: Satanism and Devil Worship Magnae Sapientiae Sathanas

Satanism is a pathway to cognitive illumination through the application of magical concepts and operations for higher self-awareness, personal knowledge acquisition, spiritual freedom, and individual evolution. Satanic rites and rituals are the methods used by practitioners to ‘bridge the gap’ between the physical world, which is limited to three dimensions, and the spiritual world which is limitless. Satanism and Devil Worship Magnae Sapientiae Sathanas by Aleister Nacht contains the information necessary for successful physical and metaphysical Satanic Magic.

Satanism and Devil Worship Magnae Sapientiae Sathanas by Aleister Nacht



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Brothers and Sisters of Satan

Brothers and Sisters,

I wanted to share a few of my Q & A posts from my Tumblr blog. Enjoy!

Prince of Darkness

Knowing More About Satan

Aleister Crowley

The Wicked – Art

Satanic Trio

Dedicating My Body To Satan

Never Be A Victim Of Religion

Until next time,

Satanic Blessings!


Beautiful Halloween Witch

2013 Satanic Reflection by Aleister Nacht

I’m back in the cozy confines of my home overlooking the Gulf of Mexico. For those who noticed my…

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You can help further Satanism

“Readers always ask me how to experience change and make their desires come true; the answer is very simple.

Satan wants firm commitment from His followers and that leads to knowledge, changed circumstances and fulfilled desires. You can help further Satanism in the virtual world.

If you like the information on my written, audio or video blogs, take a moment to share it with your network; making the message available to others searching for truth.

Through your actions, Satan will recognize and reward something as simple as reblogging my blog posts, retweeting information, sharing (Like, Comment, Tag, etc.) on Facebook timelines or a mention on other social media websites.

Aleister Nacht









In between takes on American Horror Story: Coven

MakeUp FX for Coven are designed and created at

These art direction/production design though.

I am not impressed. I am wondering why the witches have a splendid living space and this rundown old place is where Marie would be living. 


Am I the only one who clocked the Olokun tool in the left hand corner? Hmph and u call urselves brujos

You’re always trying to out Brujo someone. I think appreciating the image without calling every tool out is totally fine.

Back on topic, my interpretation of the wealth of the Witches and the APPARENT poverty of the Voodoo people goes along with the fact the Witches are all at each other’s throats so the splendor and glory of their manor is empty and cancerous (literally) while what appears to be poverty and shit being run down is counteracted by the closeness of the practice to their lives of the Voodoo group (instead of the suppression and internalization of magic of the witches) and also the fact their group is very much alive and kicking.

They also say it’s a straight up about racial inequality too?? I mean, the Robichaux house is in Uptown on Prytania St. and that is a very, very upscale (read: white) area. I mean, the houses around there are all mansions and host opera recitals and chamber groups on the regular. It’s straight up old money southern aristocracy culture.

Marie’s solon is in the upper nineth, somewhere around St. Roch (maybe St. Claude) I think, but we don’t really get many good shots of the outside of it. That area is sadly getting gentrified to hell and back right now, but it’s still mainly poor and black. Also, it’s not far from the part of the French Quarter where Marie LeVeau actually opperated and is still of Voodoo today. The thing I worry about watching this show is that people will forget that Marie LeVeau and sadly Delphine LaLaurie but my issues with that are another post were REAL PEOPLEreal peoplereal people. Laveau is so important to so many groups in New Orleans.

Also, Voodoo is still very much alive here and it isn’t practiced in uptown. It’s practiced in midcity and parts of the westbank—areas that are primarily black and primarily poor.

Laveau was also never actually wealthy. In real life, she worked as a hairdresser. Only to wealthy white women. At least on Coven she gets to do things on her own terms.

There is so, so much this show gets wrong about my city, but one thing it does get right is the racial divide and that it equals a socio-economic divide as well.


Wicca, Witchcraft and Satanism

What Would Halloween Be Without Witches?

Out of curiosity, I Googled the most popular Halloween costumes of 2012 and 2013. When I was a youngster half a century ago, we were limited by what was offered at our local Walmart. This offering was usually a skeleton, Casper the friendly ghost, a vampire, Big Bird and a witch. I usually chose the vampire and all the kids of the neighborhood would collect candy and homemade treats as we went door to door. That was a time of fond memories and fun before my parents split and the christian church consumed my mother; ensuring nothing remotely resembling ‘evil’ or ‘blasphemy’ was allowed ever again……including Halloween.

During my search, I was surprised to find Witch costumes were sorely absent. Replacing the witch was Miley Cyrus (the complete Twerking Kit ?!?!??), Kim KardashianDuck Dynasty (could also be used for a ZZ Top costume) and characters from Breaking Bad (yes, I have lived in a cave and have not watched the much-aclaimed Breaking Bad series 🙂 ). Where was the Witch? I found what one website called “The Witch” but I do not remember witches looking like $10.00 / trick Streetwalkers! I guess times change.

Witches and Satanism

Without Witches, Satanism would wither and die as a theology. The truth is, Witches keep the Satanic lifeblood flowing and that, keeps Satanism alive. As I have said before in earlier blog posts, most Satanists consider themselves “witches” and practitioners of magic first; then labeled “Satanists“. Even “A Satanic Coven of Witches” sounds better than “A Satanic Coven of Satanists“; am I right?Leave Something Witchy

Those witches who do not practice Satanic Rituals may often reference “white magic” or “good magic“, which sometimes confuses those new to the Occult Arts. Satanism is sometimes viewed as purely evil and may be shunned by those witches who wish to create a clear line of demarkation. While some witches dabble in what they call the white light, others find the darkness a more suitable and comfortable environ to open the magical flow of energy. Witchcraft and Satanism should be comfortable for the practitioner and in most cases, adaptation is a necessity that enables effective rituals and magical operations. No one can build a successful practice of magic upon principles he / she does not truly believe. What would be the point?

Not All Witches Shave Their Legs

The term Warlock is used for a male witch however, it is not imperative to accept Warlock as their assigned label. The name Witch is just fine for a male, if so desired. After all, it is only a ‘classification’ that may not sum up the person at all. Witch is only one of many synonyms of warlock. Others include astrologer, clairvoyant, magician, fortune-teller, necromancer, occultist, thaumaturge…………well, you get the point. If a male wishes to use “Witch“, no problem. The first step in destroying something wonderful is to “make everyone conform“…………..from there, failure follows. All theologies should allow a modicum of latitude for those seeking comfort and acceptance.

Wicca, Witchcraft and Satanism

I respect the beliefs of others and while I may have an opinion on those beliefs, I acknowledge diversity and strongly encourage everyone to find what works for them. In the past, I have received scathing emails from some “White Magic Witches” condemning Satanism and generally calling me a “Sexist Prick” (or perhaps it was a Prickly Sexist; I’ll check to be sure…..) just because I love women and routinely use female nude pictures on my blog.

What astounded me more was one of the “good witches” threatened to throw a curse and make me pay for corrupting Wiccan Magic. This was several months ago and I have not experienced anything unusual, unless she cursed me to grow old; if so, she put a good one on me cause some mornings I feel VERY OLD!!! At least it was not ‘ceaseless crotch itch‘ or the dreaded ‘always the last square of toilet tissue curse‘. Damn, I have revealed the chink in my armor. I digress.

Sixty percent (60%) of our coven’s members came from the Wicca way of life. As one member describes it “Wicca was a primer for Satanism, which took my magic to a whole new level“. To these individuals, Satanism was the next logical progression in their path to enlightenment. We are all searchers and we continue to search until we find something that ‘works’.

For all the Witches reading this, I urge you to pursue that which makes you happy and never settle for something that does not make you feel 100% satisfied. If more people were honest with themselves, the world would certainly be a better place.