Satanism: An Interview with Aleister Nacht

Note: Satanic Magus Aleister Nacht was interviewed by Domina Richter on Friday December 21, 2018, (Winter Solstice) and asked about his coven, public persona, and the future of Satanism. This is the first interview Nacht has granted in two years.

Q: You released a video of yourself this week on YouTube. So why did you choose to “go public” in this video?

A: I have been very conservative about sharing my personal life with the public although I could not always keep my life out of the public media. I suppose everyone likes to have a mental image of the person that has written a book, blog posts, etc. I felt the time was right to provide a visual medium for my readers. The only thing that should be out front is my Satanic message and if I can accomplish that by adding an image to my persona, then I have accomplished what I set out to do. I am still protecting my anonymity, as you can plainly see in the video, but there has to be a hint of mystery. The public has not seen me in all these years so I don’t believe it is important (to them) to see my face.

Aleister Nacht

Q: Do you plan to reveal your face in the future?

A: I think it goes back to the first question. I am a very private person and I enjoy anonymity. I do not seek public recognition and quite honestly being famous is not something I am interested in. I very much enjoy blending into the population. I may feel differently in the future but for now, that is how I feel.

Q: So, can we expect more videos in the future because of this new persona?

A: Yes. Absolutely. I have wanted to be able to meet the reader halfway with an idea and sometimes communicating in the written word is very limiting. It is almost two-dimensional when we live in a three-dimensional world. Being able to at least articulate thoughts in front of a camera will be easier and I believe ultimately, more effective than just writing a blog post. However, I will still write a blog because that is the source of material for the videos.

Q: So you feel that writing will still be predominately your medium, correct?

A: Yes. Blogging is what brought my writing to the forefront and it will continue to be the driving force in delivery of my Satanic messages. In my opinion, it is the direct link for communicating with the public.

Q: Are you working on a new book?

A: Yes. I am currently working on one which will be released in March or April of next year (2019). Unfortunately, I do not have a release date from the publisher but I believe it will be around that time.

Q: What is the new book about?

A: Well, at this point I would rather not say because several things are still in the works, such as the title of the book. All I can say is it will not be Sanctum of Shadows, Volume IV. In keeping with a “new beginning”, I am moving away from the series. I may write more Sanctum volumes in the future but for now, I am leaving it behind.

satanic nude woman

Q: While your last book Sanctum of Shadows Volume III: Spiritus Occultus sold well, it was not well received in the reviews. Why do you think that happened?

A: I believe people expect a certain form of writing from a particular writer. The third volume was really an exploration that ultimately would teach a person how to formulate ideas in such a way that it would open a dialogue between the communicator and the receiver. I know it sounds strange however in many cases people have ideas and philosophies that are very difficult to communicate in public settings because of prejudice and other things. Volume III was really a way to formulate their ideas, communicate those ideas, and be able to defend their ideas to the point of argument. Quite honestly, I thought this would be a good way to explain that process. I think it may have been too technical for many readers. One review, and I’m paraphrasing, “Collection of rambling words in the form of a short story, nothing to further Satanic knowledge so avoid it” or something like that. Ouch! Not every book is going to be well received by the public and that book is a perfect example. 

Q: With the recent loss of a Magnum Opus coven member, are you now looking for a new member?

A: Actually, we have someone who will be initiated into our group. She has been waiting a long time to come into our Tampa Bay coven. We have several affiliated groups around Florida however Tampa is the core Magnum Opus group. We really have a great amount of interest when it comes to filling one of these positions. We have 13 members in each of our coven groups. Our new member comes to us from our affiliated group in Destin, Florida. She will come into the core group in Tampa and the Destin coven will back-fill her spot.

Q: Do you ever accept new coven members “off the street”, so to speak?

A: Not in the Tampa Bay group. New members join an affiliated coven at another location. It does not happen very often, but it does happen. Overall, Magnum Opus membership is very stable with little change except for deaths, relocations, etc. When someone is accepted and joins, they are usually very settled and established which contributes to membership stability.

Q: So how does a Satanic coven recruit new members?

A: In the case of Magnum Opus, it is a methodical administrative process. First, we do not solicit by “asking” someone to join. A candidate must ask to join the coven, which usually happens well in advance of being considered. This implies a prerequisite relationship with one (or more) existing coven members. It goes without saying we do not tell everyone we meet “Hi, I am a Devil Worshipper….” so these personal relationships evolve over time. When a coven needs to replace a member, it is communicated to all groups. Coven members can put a name forward for consideration and the particular coven begins collecting the information needed to make a determination. Ultimately, the members of the respective coven choose the new member who is best suited for their group.

nude milf witch

Q: Do the groups ever get together and perform rituals?

A: Absolutely. The Grand Climax is a series of Satanic rituals performed during a week in July when all groups participate at one location. It is a great opportunity to catch-up with those you have not seen in a while. We have at least one ritual outdoors on a small secluded island that one of our members owns. We kayak everything we need for the night; hibachi, coolers, food, beverages, ritual implements, a couple of tents, and sleeping bags. I guess you could call it “Satanic Camping”! A lot of fun.

Q: I was really delighted that you granted this interview. You have not done that in the last few years. Why is that?

A: There are certain interviewers who look for some type of “scandal or dirt” during an interview because that’s what sells. Honestly, it is very tiring to censor myself in real-time and for that reason, I simply walked away from interviews. I will see how things go in the future.

Q: You are on social media but you do not “spam” the public. Is that deliberate?

A: Yes. If people sign-up for my mailing list, that means they want communication. I really do not care where a person is eating dinner or what they are eating. I do not believe most people are interested in where I am, where I am going, or what I am doing every second of the day. I may be mistaken however that’s the way I feel. Social media is a wonderful platform for communication but there should be boundaries. There are people who tweet, check-in, etc. with nothing important to say. “So what; you are eating pancakes at IHOP?” To me, it is not “breaking news” that someone is going to the grocery store. I really don’t care.

Q: What do you think about the popularity of Satanism today?

A: I think Atheistic Satanism is enjoying media attention, good or bad, and I really like the role in activism they are currently playing. I am a Theistic Satanist so our beliefs are different but I recognize their social contributions. The issue of “equal rights under the law” has been brought to the forefront of public awareness which has been sorely needed by all occult practitioners. I am really happy to see it happening today.

Q: Do you feel that Satanism is “in good hands” in the coming decades?

A: I do. Like many of my colleagues in the Occult, I am getting older and while I love being a quasi-ambassador of Satanism, in the next few years I hope to see the younger practitioners step up and fill the position. I am encouraged by members of my Dark Arts Forum who are smart, driven to do the work, remain open-minded, and broaden their perspectives. It is very time-consuming and detracts from personal life so a person must be passionate about the message or he / she will quickly move on to something else.

Q: Before we end the interview, do you have any special messages for your readers?

A: Always dig deeper into the subject matter and make time to learn and truly understand Satanism and Satanic Magic. It is a long but very rewarding journey for those who are dedicated to perfection. Satanic blessings to all my readers and thank you for allowing me to write about my favorite subject, Satanism. Hail Satan!

Join The Coven by Aleister Nacht for a personalized approach to Satanic knowledge and training.


A New Beginning

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Now Available – The Art of Cognitive Warfare Audiobook

As a token of my appreciation for my virtual Coven members, I am proud to make the The Art of Cognitive Warfare Audiobook available to you at no additional cost……….just because you are a member of The Coven! Enjoy this audiobook and Satanic Blessings!!!!

Aleister Nacht Audiobook About Satanism 

Now Available – The Art of Cognitive Warfare Audiobook

“There are those who call themselves “Satanists” who do not believe in Satan. That is precisely why their rituals and ceremonies are nothing more than meaningless buffoonery performed by dilettantes. The choice to believe in Satan is the individual’s; that belief is a very personal matter. I respect their choice however, Satanism without Satan is ludicrous……… my opinion.”

Aleister Nacht