Exclusive Satanic Priesthood Course

Exclusive Satanic Priesthood Study and Preparation Course prepares the Satanist for conveyance of the Satanic Priest certificate as recognized by Aleister Nacht’s Magnum Opus Satanic Coven. This course of study prepares the practitioner to lead his/her Satanic coven as a recognized Satanic Priest. 

Exclusive Satanic Priesthood Study and Preparation Course by Aleister Nacht

Note: This course is limited to the first five (5) individuals who enroll. The four (4) month study and preparation course requires completion of reading and writing assignments before certificate is issued.

Exclusive Satanic Priesthood Course

Satanism: The Coven

So far on my Patreon we have covered some of the basic concepts and I have transferred Satanic knowledge needed for successful Satanic magic operations. Let’s do a quick review of this subject matter covered so far. We performed the Banishing Ritual to prepare your temple for magic and Satanic manifestations along with performing the Self Initiation Ritual. I explained invocation, evocation, and Satanic self-actualization.

I have introduced you to the Duty of Mastema. We discussed the Bath of Purification, performed the Renunciation and Proclamation Ritual and I explained the objectives of Satanic magic. I have introduced and explained movement and manipulation of Satanic energy and astral projection. I explained the Meditative States and the transitive nature of Satanic magic and energy. I also discussed commitment and Satanic willpower.

I have defined the primary Satanic Magic Implements and the Higher Satanic Processes along with the Power of the Inverted Pentagram. I have discussed the Satanic magician’s oath and advancement of magical abilities. I defined and explained the seven (7) Physical Chakras the five (5) Metaphysical Chakras, Kundalini, and the attributes of each Physical Chakra including the transformative colors, oils, incenses, foods, and gemstones of each. I also discussed the role Synchronicity plays in the manipulation of energy.

We have invoked your Guardian Demon and prepared your Satanic Convocation. We performed the Candle Magic Exercise and manipulated the energy with the Third Eye (Brow Chakra). I also explain the “ENDS” acronym for the practitioner. I explained and led you through the Drawing of the Pentagram, Esoteric and Sinister Chant, and discussed the Black Flame and the Invocation of the Cardinal Compass. I have discussed the Infernal Middle Pillar Ritual, Satanic Holidays and Celebrations, and Blood Rituals. I have also led you through the Invocation of Satanic Angels and we discussed the Satanic Bride of the Beast.

Be sure to review the subject matter areas as deemed necessary for your self-actualization and competency. If you’re not a member of my Patreon, I sincerely offer this opportunity for you to join with us. It is the Best Quality Satanic Education and Training that you will find anywhere. If you are tired of the trolls and the web sites where you are constantly attacked for asking questions to further your advancement, join us at The Coven.

Until next time, this has been Aleister Nacht. Hail Satan!


The Coven – Satanism and Satanic Knowledge

Satanic Magus Aleister Nacht has delivered knowledge of Satanism and Satanic Magic to Satanists for the past 35 years. Now, Nacht provides an easier and more convenient way for beginners and those advanced in the Satanic arts to access his wealth of satanic knowledge.

Aleister Nacht has created The Coven; a virtual Satanic environment using his Patreon website.

“This is very exciting for Satanists world-wide. I wish there had been something like this back in the ’80s when I began my journey on the LHP [Left Hand Path]” say Nacht. “I looked at several different platforms and tools for The Coven and Patreon was the best choice as a partner. With the fluid and ever-changing dynamic digital environment, I needed a partner who could deliver information in the media formats according to my time requirements and Patreon is light years ahead of the other providers I evaluated.”Aleister Nacht Satanism

Aleister Nacht offers different tiers for his subscribers which include $10 for basic access all the way to $150 (USD) per month for full access and additional items such as audiobooks and special signed copies of his paperback books. Nacht provides the following summary on the Patreon page.

“This is your definitive source of Satanic Magic and knowledge presented in a virtual environment with videos, audio mp3, and PDF files packed with information for the beginner or advanced practitionerof Satanic Magic, Rites and Rituals, Astral Projection, Satanic Meditation, and Spell / Curse casting. Look No Further! I share over 35 years of experience from my LHP journey to provide the answers you have been searching to find.”

With this new outlet for all things Aleister Nacht, he is sure to be around for the future, providing an open door for Satanists around the world. Nacht sums up his tireless work promoting Satanism as “I’m just working hard doing what I love!” and it certainly looks like he will continue to do so for years to come.

More information about Aleister Nacht
With a modern view of Satanism, he brings the darkness to life in a very tangible manner. His books have found favor with a multitude of searchers crossing all demographic and geographic boundaries. His audio podcasts (Satanism and Satanic Magick with Magus Aleister Nacht) are available for free download on iTunes. His videos are available on his YouTube channel and follow Aleister Nacht on Twitter and Tumblr. Aleister’s books about Satanism have connected with the emerging multitude that refuses believe the lies of the religious establishment and he offers an alternative based upon truth and reason.

tags: #satanism, #aleisternacht, #thecoven, #satanist, satanism, Aleister Nacht, satanist, The Coven, #news, press release, news article
Aleister Nacht News For Immediate Release

Satanism: An Interview with Aleister Nacht

Note: Satanic Magus Aleister Nacht was interviewed by Domina Richter on Friday December 21, 2018, (Winter Solstice) and asked about his coven, public persona, and the future of Satanism. This is the first interview Nacht has granted in two years.

Q: You released a video of yourself this week on YouTube. So why did you choose to “go public” in this video?

A: I have been very conservative about sharing my personal life with the public although I could not always keep my life out of the public media. I suppose everyone likes to have a mental image of the person that has written a book, blog posts, etc. I felt the time was right to provide a visual medium for my readers. The only thing that should be out front is my Satanic message and if I can accomplish that by adding an image to my persona, then I have accomplished what I set out to do. I am still protecting my anonymity, as you can plainly see in the video, but there has to be a hint of mystery. The public has not seen me in all these years so I don’t believe it is important (to them) to see my face.

Aleister Nacht

Q: Do you plan to reveal your face in the future?

A: I think it goes back to the first question. I am a very private person and I enjoy anonymity. I do not seek public recognition and quite honestly being famous is not something I am interested in. I very much enjoy blending into the population. I may feel differently in the future but for now, that is how I feel.

Q: So, can we expect more videos in the future because of this new persona?

A: Yes. Absolutely. I have wanted to be able to meet the reader halfway with an idea and sometimes communicating in the written word is very limiting. It is almost two-dimensional when we live in a three-dimensional world. Being able to at least articulate thoughts in front of a camera will be easier and I believe ultimately, more effective than just writing a blog post. However, I will still write a blog because that is the source of material for the videos.

Q: So you feel that writing will still be predominately your medium, correct?

A: Yes. Blogging is what brought my writing to the forefront and it will continue to be the driving force in delivery of my Satanic messages. In my opinion, it is the direct link for communicating with the public.

Q: Are you working on a new book?

A: Yes. I am currently working on one which will be released in March or April of next year (2019). Unfortunately, I do not have a release date from the publisher but I believe it will be around that time.

Q: What is the new book about?

A: Well, at this point I would rather not say because several things are still in the works, such as the title of the book. All I can say is it will not be Sanctum of Shadows, Volume IV. In keeping with a “new beginning”, I am moving away from the series. I may write more Sanctum volumes in the future but for now, I am leaving it behind.

satanic nude woman

Q: While your last book Sanctum of Shadows Volume III: Spiritus Occultus sold well, it was not well received in the reviews. Why do you think that happened?

A: I believe people expect a certain form of writing from a particular writer. The third volume was really an exploration that ultimately would teach a person how to formulate ideas in such a way that it would open a dialogue between the communicator and the receiver. I know it sounds strange however in many cases people have ideas and philosophies that are very difficult to communicate in public settings because of prejudice and other things. Volume III was really a way to formulate their ideas, communicate those ideas, and be able to defend their ideas to the point of argument. Quite honestly, I thought this would be a good way to explain that process. I think it may have been too technical for many readers. One review, and I’m paraphrasing, “Collection of rambling words in the form of a short story, nothing to further Satanic knowledge so avoid it” or something like that. Ouch! Not every book is going to be well received by the public and that book is a perfect example. 

Q: With the recent loss of a Magnum Opus coven member, are you now looking for a new member?

A: Actually, we have someone who will be initiated into our group. She has been waiting a long time to come into our Tampa Bay coven. We have several affiliated groups around Florida however Tampa is the core Magnum Opus group. We really have a great amount of interest when it comes to filling one of these positions. We have 13 members in each of our coven groups. Our new member comes to us from our affiliated group in Destin, Florida. She will come into the core group in Tampa and the Destin coven will back-fill her spot.

Q: Do you ever accept new coven members “off the street”, so to speak?

A: Not in the Tampa Bay group. New members join an affiliated coven at another location. It does not happen very often, but it does happen. Overall, Magnum Opus membership is very stable with little change except for deaths, relocations, etc. When someone is accepted and joins, they are usually very settled and established which contributes to membership stability.

Q: So how does a Satanic coven recruit new members?

A: In the case of Magnum Opus, it is a methodical administrative process. First, we do not solicit by “asking” someone to join. A candidate must ask to join the coven, which usually happens well in advance of being considered. This implies a prerequisite relationship with one (or more) existing coven members. It goes without saying we do not tell everyone we meet “Hi, I am a Devil Worshipper….” so these personal relationships evolve over time. When a coven needs to replace a member, it is communicated to all groups. Coven members can put a name forward for consideration and the particular coven begins collecting the information needed to make a determination. Ultimately, the members of the respective coven choose the new member who is best suited for their group.

nude milf witch

Q: Do the groups ever get together and perform rituals?

A: Absolutely. The Grand Climax is a series of Satanic rituals performed during a week in July when all groups participate at one location. It is a great opportunity to catch-up with those you have not seen in a while. We have at least one ritual outdoors on a small secluded island that one of our members owns. We kayak everything we need for the night; hibachi, coolers, food, beverages, ritual implements, a couple of tents, and sleeping bags. I guess you could call it “Satanic Camping”! A lot of fun.

Q: I was really delighted that you granted this interview. You have not done that in the last few years. Why is that?

A: There are certain interviewers who look for some type of “scandal or dirt” during an interview because that’s what sells. Honestly, it is very tiring to censor myself in real-time and for that reason, I simply walked away from interviews. I will see how things go in the future.

Q: You are on social media but you do not “spam” the public. Is that deliberate?

A: Yes. If people sign-up for my mailing list, that means they want communication. I really do not care where a person is eating dinner or what they are eating. I do not believe most people are interested in where I am, where I am going, or what I am doing every second of the day. I may be mistaken however that’s the way I feel. Social media is a wonderful platform for communication but there should be boundaries. There are people who tweet, check-in, etc. with nothing important to say. “So what; you are eating pancakes at IHOP?” To me, it is not “breaking news” that someone is going to the grocery store. I really don’t care.

Q: What do you think about the popularity of Satanism today?

A: I think Atheistic Satanism is enjoying media attention, good or bad, and I really like the role in activism they are currently playing. I am a Theistic Satanist so our beliefs are different but I recognize their social contributions. The issue of “equal rights under the law” has been brought to the forefront of public awareness which has been sorely needed by all occult practitioners. I am really happy to see it happening today.

Q: Do you feel that Satanism is “in good hands” in the coming decades?

A: I do. Like many of my colleagues in the Occult, I am getting older and while I love being a quasi-ambassador of Satanism, in the next few years I hope to see the younger practitioners step up and fill the position. I am encouraged by members of my Dark Arts Forum who are smart, driven to do the work, remain open-minded, and broaden their perspectives. It is very time-consuming and detracts from personal life so a person must be passionate about the message or he / she will quickly move on to something else.

Q: Before we end the interview, do you have any special messages for your readers?

A: Always dig deeper into the subject matter and make time to learn and truly understand Satanism and Satanic Magic. It is a long but very rewarding journey for those who are dedicated to perfection. Satanic blessings to all my readers and thank you for allowing me to write about my favorite subject, Satanism. Hail Satan!

Join The Coven by Aleister Nacht for a personalized approach to Satanic knowledge and training.


A New Beginning

Lucifer and Life

Satanism, Evolution and Little Red Riding Hood

Brothers and Sisters – Hail Satan!

It has been a while since I shared my thoughts and Satanic musings with the populous. It has been a challenging year with many twists and turns along the way. I needed to decompress and recenter my reality. Now that is behind me, I look forward to once again sharing my opinions with my readers.Satanic Speculum

I would like to post some interesting tidbits from around the world of Satanism, as the media’s impression of course. Satanists and Devil Worshipers are always “easy scapegoats” for deranged killers, self-centered egomaniacs and those suffering from mental illness. It is easier to assign blame to those on the fringes of society that to admit “anyone is capable of unspeakable deeds”. This is the same reason so many witches have died at the hands of the self-proclaimed “righteous”.

The reverse is also true. There are those who claim “the Devil made me do it” and the media will gladly corroborate because “Satan sells”. All stories need a nemesis; who better than the very one attempting to bring truth? Any lie containing elements of truth makes for a more believable lie; one the media gladly promulgates.

Killer recounts the awful scene: Satanism, blood and Little Red Riding Hood: DiManno | Toronto Star.

Satanic Evolution

No man’s a jester playing Shakespeare
Round your throne room floor,
While the juggler’s act is danced upon
The crown that you once wore.*

I had a very interesting conversation with a Brother Satanist who was recently initiated into our coven. As with most new initiates, he is like a sponge, absorbing every work and gesture of all things Satanic. I greatly enjoy discussing Satan and the beliefs of our groups. In our digital world, it is easy to forget we are social animals and as such, we reach out to those holders of knowledge in an effort to grasp information. He asked why I thought mainstream society has yet to embrace true Satanism and Demonolatry. As for my thoughts on the matter, I believe the Devil owns the future. Let me explain.

Satanic Black MassIn order for humans to evolve, two elements must be present: intelligence and receptivity. You can probably draw some parallels from both elements and may believe them synonymous however, they are far from (even vaguely) being interdependent.

As humans continue to devolve into a permanent stupor, the species moves further from knowledge into pure fatuousness. From the mind-numbing “reality” entertainment consumed in mass quantities to those who are so desperate to be accepted as a single-syllable ‘gangsta’, humans move further down the evolution scale. These are the suburban ‘kids’ who are pretending to be something they are not.

The brain is an organ that requires “use” in order to properly develop. Stimulation may be received from countless sources however, lack of stimulation and disuse quickly leads to lethargy. The message and underlying logic of information received begins to be too arduous to decipher. This process can certainly be reversed however it will require more effort exerted by the person. It is a slippery slope indeed.

In the extreme polar opposite, we find the Über Intelligent; the class above which are only the geniuses who, while applying the Explicit Formula for the Fibonacci Sequence in their head, struggle to grasp basic humanistic concepts. While these individuals have the capacity to understand unseen energy and power of the mind, they are not receptive to the premise. For them, a realm that defies mathematical or other scientific logic is absurd and abstractly implausible.Satanic Witches

Just like the “Satan” created by Milton, it is a complex subject that can’t be fully explained with only 1000 words. I’ll say those who are attentive will know when the next evolution begins………and ends.

Until next time,

Satanic Blessings

*Bernie Taupin

#satanism, #devilworship

Fall Equinox Satanic Holiday

Keeper of Satanic Darkness

As a Satanist, I am a messenger of unflinching truth for Satan; the great Dragon. From abstract to reality, evil courses through my imperfect veins. I offer praise to Him as illumination of my Left Hand Path is found in His presence. There are many people who claim to have knowledge of Satanic rituals, yet they glamorize the atheistic view of Satanism. It is a slap in the face to Satan and His Demons; from hall to Satanic Altar. Freedom is offered to those who wish to fulfill his / her desires and, as a byproduct, happiness through indulgence. Finding the Satanic “center” is paramount for the long and winding journey. Call forth those awaiting the summons. Hail the gothic, ancient Master and Keeper of the Gate. Collect the flesh for the flames.

Fall Equinox Satanic RitualFall Equinox Satanic Holiday

“Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen.” 

                                                                                         Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

 When searching for your belief in Satanism, you will try various approaches until you finally find what is right for you. I know; I have said this many, many times before however this topic always returns to the forefront of inquisitive emails I receive from readers. Some have read one paragraph from my blog and they are ready to ask a million questions. I try to answer their questions or at least send them a link to a blog post that will give them the information they seek. Hey, I’m a nice guy………..but more than that, I remember my past and how I endured some “know it all” belligerent pricks who loved to hear themselves talk much more than anyone was interested in hearing. Continue reading

Grand Climax Satanic Ritual – July 27, 2014

Opening the “Gates of Hades”

Our numbers grow – 362,701 visitors

With the Grand Climax approaching, I wanted to provide some thoughts to those who are busy preparing for this unholy Satanic holiday. The Satanic Grand Climax is celebrated worldwide by covens of all sizes and walks of life and sole practitioners near and far. From eastern Europe to the tip of Argentina, the Black Flame will burn to honor Satan and the Hosts of Hell. The conjuration of Satanic and Demonic power used by the coven is both enjoyed and savored by every member. The true freedom and uncensored actions of the Satanist allows one to be totally honest without feelings of shame or perceived threats of ostracization. We belong to Satan and we look to His power for our wants and needs to be abundantly satisfied. This is Devil Worship; always has been and always will be. Hail Satan!

Satanic Rituals

There are countless conspiracy theorists who twist reality into their desired meanings. Many others seek their “15 minutes” of fame by allegedly discovering a plot; then speak on the subject as an authority. These purveyors of rhetoric come and go without substance or justification. To me, this is entertainment, not to be taken seriously at all.

We Are Going About The Father’s Work

As you can imagine, this week has been quite busy. Now, as we catch our breath, our Coven prepares to usher the Satanic celebration and receive the benediction of His charge. We send our Satanic Blessings to those of the grove and wish you the very best hijinx! You are a wonderful Satanic Concilium! LOL Continue reading