Sell Your Soul To Satan – Walpurgisnacht and Satanic Rituals

Before you begin reading about my favorite time of year, Walpurgisnacht, and the Satanic Rituals  that flow well in this conversation, take a moment and clear your head with this little tidbit of information. Enjoy!!

The world as we know it is composed of three dimensions. These three dimensions are what we have been told by experts exist as the entirety of our existence in space. Three dimensional objects impress us. As humans, we love to see three-dimensional drawings; we like to see simulations that are in three dimensions but I challenge you today – open your mind because there is so much more out there than meets the eye! Before there were three-dimensional drawings and computer-based animation there were two-dimensional spaces. In order to prove or compose items in drawings, specifications and dimensional limitations, the third dimension existed even though we could not fully articulate or draw it on paper. Much like those who thought the world was completely flat, we were limited by our capabilities and tools. The third dimension still existed even though we could not prove the matter.

As humans, we feel it mandatory to be able to explain something before we accept it as truth. It does not matter if a human believes something exists; it either does or it does not and we as humans are not required to confirm its existence! We can deny the effects of gravity nonetheless, you will fall and be killed if you jump from a high tower; it does not matter if you agree with gravity nor does it really matter if you believe that gravity exists. You will be dead nonetheless!!

That space beyond the Parallax Dimension is a fourth dimensional area that we as humans cannot see in the normal sense. We must use our imaginations to some extent to picture or visualize that fourth dimension. Whether you believe a fourth dimension exists are not, really does not matter. Once you have peered into that deep chasm, you realize there are many, many things that are beyond human understanding. Although understanding is not a prerequisite for existence, if a person does not believe in certain aspects of existence, for them it may be a challenge to fully visualize and articulate however, the existence remains unchanged. There were once humans who did not believe man could fly and that was proven false. As we develop faster computers and we learn so much more, we are reminded how limited we (as human beings) truly are. Do not let this limitation cloud your understanding or your better knowledge!!

Satanic Blessings

Dedicated to Aleister Crowley


Aleister Nacht's Satanic Magic Blog

Amass Huge Wealth In Satan’s Service

I have written many posts about the “selling the soul” which many people believe will bring them wealth, fame and other desires they may have deep in their minds. I receive countless correspondences from those who want something from Satan and they offer the King of the World……………….their soul. These individuals (sometimes a group) feel they are entitled to wealth and riches although he / she has not invested effort, time, money, thought, self-development nor do they feel as if those investments are required.

Satanism and Satanic Ritual

Give Me “The Right Stuff” – Money

Totally absent are analytical thought, reason, deducible transitional logic, lucidness, rationale, sensibility,perspicuousness………………I believe you get the message. Replacing these desirable cognitive attributes are nitwittedness, obtuseness, stupefaction and puerility. Not surprisingly, most of these ‘big dreamers’ want to be ‘stars’; famous in the fields of music and acting. I also receive enticements such as photos…

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